Privacy Policy of Hope College of Arts & Science

Revised On: April 26th 2024

Hope College of Arts & Science (HCAS) acknowledges the importance of privacy for our users and the concern regarding the handling of personal information. We are committed to respecting the privacy rights of our users. This document outlines our practices for collecting, using, and safeguarding personal information.


This Privacy Policy is governed by Florida statutes, including but not limited to, the Florida Information Protection Act of 2014 and any applicable federal legislation, such as the United States Privacy Act of 1974.

Information Collection Methods

At HCAS, users may submit information through various methods including web forms on our website, email, telephone calls, and postal mail. Our web forms are designed to route information to appropriate recipients within HCAS. We also automatically gather certain technical data when users connect to our website, which includes:

  • The IP address and domain name of the user’s computer.
  • The type of Internet browser used.
  • The specific pages requested from our site.
  • The website visited prior to coming to our site.
  • Cookie-related information (as detailed below).


Cookies are small files stored on a user’s device to enhance website functionality and user experience. These files help remember user preferences and settings, facilitating personalized visits to our website. Users can manage cookies through their browser settings, which include adjustments to store or delete cookies as preferred.

Do Not Track

HCAS does not currently respond to browser “Do Not Track” signals as there is no industry consensus on responding to these signals.

Use of Information

Information collected by HCAS is used strictly for institutional purposes. We do not sell, share, or loan user data to external organizations not related to our direct operations. However, information may be shared as necessary to comply with legal requirements, support large campaigns, or provide specific offers. Users should have no expectation of absolute privacy, in alignment with our Acceptable Use Policy. Data access is restricted to necessary employees and partners within the scope of their duties, ensuring data protection.

User Rights

Users are not obligated to provide personal information and may still access our website freely. However, certain services such as applications for admission or purchases require personal information. Failure to provide required information may affect the user’s ability to receive these services.

Google Analytics

We employ Google Signals and Analytics to gather anonymized and aggregated insights into user behavior across devices. Users who prefer not to have their data used by Google Analytics can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on here.

Data Security

HCAS implements robust security measures, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for encrypted connections. We emphasize the importance of secure data submission and recommend against sharing sensitive information via insecure channels like email. Our comprehensive security controls and procedures are designed to protect user data and ensure privacy.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at:

Phone: 954-532-9614


This policy highlights our commitment to safeguarding our users' personal information and ensuring their privacy is respected in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


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